Friday, July 09, 2010

RESTLESS is how I feel today.. Mainly because of work I guess.. May be it is time I start doing something different. The mood is reflecting at home as well. Nothing seems to interest me really, which according to me happens only to people who have let their work rule their life. Sigh!! Time to do a reality check!.

Bigger problem is that I dont think that I can do without the mental stimulation and kick I get out of working. There were times (When Kim was born) when I seriously thought that I should quit and be at home. Seems that I somehow did not get around it which is good.. if I had had, I would have gone crazy by this time.

So coming back to the point, that work has become life mostly, it is time I think of doing something outside work that will sustain my interest by constantly challenging me. Music is one that I've always wanted to learn further, may be thats what I should do...

1 comment:

durga said...

aaahhh, work is not the be all and end all!! I sincerely feel, work should only be 8 hours - rest assured you have 16 hours to refresh!! Music is a great way out - dont think twice!!