Sunday, February 18, 2007

Time - This is something everyone has been cribbing about a lot nowadays - I say that I dont have time to write my blog, do all the work at office, do exercise, etc., etc., - the list is endless.

Every relationship works only if enough time is spent on it. Be it employer-employee, doctor-patient, lovers, husband-wife, parents-children.

Especially when it comes to work relationships - now it is an established fact that employees leave managers and not company. It is very true. Unless you spend the time understanding the needs of the employee and align it with organisations needs to make it working for both - It never works. Similarly the younger ones - time needs to spent on mentoring them to make them a good asset to wherever they work. It is a long process and time should be invested.

When you are not available for your subordinates and expect them to learn everything by themselves, do whatever you say to them and sort their own problems - then you have a dissatisfied person who will attrite soon. Sometimes even a few minutes of listening to their problems will make you a good boss.

The same thing can be repeated for any relation. But that again comes back to the question of having time. Take me for example - I've all the good intention, but currently I'm guilty of not spending enough time at office because of restrictions due to Kimaya. I feel very bad if I extend my office hours due to compulsion and because of which my parents/his parents need to spend longer hours taking care of Kimaya. It is not a great feeling. Then my personal life takes over all the good intentions. Hmmmmm...

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