Tuesday, February 27, 2007

We all travelled to Trivandrum by air deccan this Saturday. Flight is to take off at 6:45 am from Bangalore. So we all got up at 4:30, reached airport at 5:45 or 5:50. In the entrance of the airport, an air deccan guy saw us and said - Sir, the checkin is almost closed, rush! How can you reach so late??. We panicked, ran without the luggage that was put in baggage check :). The guy at the counter told us to relax and issued our boarding cards. After we went through the securtiy check, we realised that it is delayed and will leave only at 8:30. AFter a long days work at office on Friday, all of us (with an infant and a child ) really had a tough time waking up so early in the morning and here we find that actually we could have slept for some time.. The thought is not so pleasant.
My BIL got irritated because we were hurried so much and moreover, we did not get any message about the delay. As soon as he went and expressed his irritation to one of the air deccan staff, he got the message!!!!!!!! We learnt that the flight is a base flight from Bangalore but there were technical fault in one of the wings and is getting repaired.
We tried to kill time and got an announcement to board at 8:00 am. While we were packing our laptops and another of those air deccan guys came and started - 'Sir, you are still here!! Everyone has boarded and we announced the boarding long back.' and it was just once the announcement was made and we were reaching there just 5 mts after that! All of us got pretty pi**ed off and sort of shouted at that guy.
So, we got to go by a bus where only four+2 were TVM passengers and got dropped. We all felt sadistically happy that the flight take off is delayed because of us (after the treatment we got by air-deccan staff) but that was short-lived as when we reached the air craft we realised that the wing is still getting repaired :)
The story does not end here! After we boarded, just before the take-off people were asked to sit concentrated at the middle and tail end to balance - I was praying to god that we should reach safely and finally at 11:00 we landed safely at TVM.
Oof! What a journey.. will not forget this for sometime!!!

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